Thursday, December 1, 2011

Why the hell am I still awake?

So it's 2 am and Ihave to get up at 8 but I can't sleep. So I decided to post all of the artwork I have done but have too lazy to click the magic button and make them appear here.... that is until now. I fnone of these crazy ramblings makes sense I am so sorry....  but now its time for art!
 sorry that these are verticalIamjust too lazy to change it.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Lots of drawings!

This week I have done four drawings which is more than usual, I hope to get more done by next week. Though there are four drawings one of them is unfinished.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I did not one but two pictures on Halloween. The first one I did while sitting in the lobby while waiting for the Briscoe Halloween party to begin. The other one I did later after waking up at 1am and was not able to go back to sleep due to a nightmare.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Busy....Having fun!

I've been very busy hanging out with my Briscoe family so I haven't had anytime to post...but now I do. I'm going to keep this short and sweet.
Yay! I drew a person! I did name him but I am going to keep it a secret unless someone asks. Anyway if you can't tell I am getting better at drawing human like things. A few years ago if I would have tried to draw a person it would have ended up looking like a shapeless blob.

This one is an electrical rib cage..... I don't know why I draw things like this... I just do.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


I have been so busy with stupid English class with Lord Voldemort aka Professor Lee that I haven't had time to post. Yeah so I have drawn another mechanical mask and I am hoping to do here it is.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The wonderful land of Briscoe!

Yeah so I haven't posted for awhile because I have been having so much fun in Briscoe (my residence hall) and also having a lovely time with the amazing Rita. I have completed several drawings but for now I am only going to post my two best for now. So here they are....
This one I call Pocket watch heart.

This one I call mechanical mask.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Yeah so I had a couple of requests to color clockwork moon so I did!!! I want to do another more detailed version so hopefully I will be able to do that soon. Until then enjoy this version!