Saturday, September 24, 2011


I have been so busy with stupid English class with Lord Voldemort aka Professor Lee that I haven't had time to post. Yeah so I have drawn another mechanical mask and I am hoping to do here it is.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The wonderful land of Briscoe!

Yeah so I haven't posted for awhile because I have been having so much fun in Briscoe (my residence hall) and also having a lovely time with the amazing Rita. I have completed several drawings but for now I am only going to post my two best for now. So here they are....
This one I call Pocket watch heart.

This one I call mechanical mask.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Yeah so I had a couple of requests to color clockwork moon so I did!!! I want to do another more detailed version so hopefully I will be able to do that soon. Until then enjoy this version!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

New Drawing!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes so as the title implies I have a new drawing and its inspired by my new steampunk obsession. At the moment I am calling it clockwork moon but it will change if I can think up a better name for it. So here it is....

Monday, September 5, 2011

I'm back with a pink koala!!!

Yes I am back! After thinking long and hard about this I decided that I would continue drawing and even make it a career. As of now I am an art major and to celebrate here is my latest picture...
It's the giant pink koala in the sky which comes from an inside joke I have with one of my friends.... so yay! I will be back soon with more!