Sunday, March 20, 2011


Two posts in one this girl crazy? Yes, yes she is. I decided that I was going to tell you about my little insomnia problem I have been experiencing over the last couple of nights. For the past two nights I have not been able to it's good my roommate has been gone otherwise she would kill me. So on these sleepless nights what do I do....I draw.
This is a picture I drew of Nny (aka Johnny C.) from Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. I know it's not that good but give me a break I drew this at 4 am.

Here is a picture of invader Zim in a ripped up bear costume.

Here is an uncolored mudkip I drew for my cousin Faith. It is gray because it didn't look right when it was plain and I left my Colored pencils at home.
That's all I have for now but I will probably be up all night drawing so I should have more tomorrow!