Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Old and new!

Yeah so I have become homeless.... again and I am living at my grandma's house ....again. So in the little bit of spare time I get while taking care of my grandma who has a broken hip I have started drawing so yay. I know that the way I stated all of that it  might sound like I am being negative which I am not. Even though I have been through a lot in the last couple of months and I am in quite a bit of pain from having to lift my grandma up several times a day I have kept a very positive out look on the whole situation. Now that I have cleared that up I can continue with what I had originally wanted to say which is that while looking through my old drawings I decided to try and redo a few so here are my first two.
This is the original I did my Junior year of high school.

This is the one I did a few weeks ago.

I also did this one my Junior year.

Here is the new one.
Yeah so that's all I have for now but I will hopefully be able to post again tomorrow.

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