Thursday, June 9, 2011

A tribute to an awesome friend!

In this post I figured I would talk about one of the greatest and most talented person I know... and also my best friend of thirteen years Joshua Lee Dutt. He has been such a great friend and influence that I figured I would tell everyone about his awesomeness. He currently has a photography studio called Joshography in Ft. Pierre but even before that he was a great drawer and to prove it here are some of his drawings from middle school when we were trying to make a comic book.

Unfortunately I only have these and a few other concept drawings I probably have more hidden in boxes but I think this is enough for now. I also have a drawing of Death from the Sandman series he did for me freshmen year of high school.

I also have a picture of me he took for fun in his studio a few months ago and if you want to see more of his stuff I suggest you check out his blog at .
Well I know this has gone on a lot longer than it normally does but I thought I would finish this with a picture of Josh and I a long time ago.

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